
I started writing a Facebook status and it was quite long, so I thought it would be better as a blogpost.
I’ve been reading lots of stories across a multitude of sites on the internet lately, and am wondering what has happened in this world that has made everyone so damn sensitive about this word or that word.
A celebrity (mother) wants people to stop asking women when they are going to have their next child, or give their child a sibling, because they may have had a miscarriage or another kind of tragedy.  But then, we should notice if someone is feeling depressed or down (how are we to know these things if we do not ask!?).
Another mother wants people to stop saying to her oh you just have the 1 child then….even though she does just have one.  The child is most definitely not a just but it still is just 1 child, it’s not 2 kids, or loads of kids, it’s just 1.
It’s so tiring to see/hear/read this all the time because it transfers to our kids.  Everything is a problem.  They can’t handle situations without intervention because they have been taught that everyone has to win, everyone has to be nice to them all the time and you should pretend to like something even if you don’t (good manners or something!!).
Anyway I don’t really have solution, just a vent.  Well my small part in the solution is to NOT do this with my kids.  I will not teach them to be overly sensitive about EVERYTHING.  Only the important things….but then what is important to me, may not be to you and vice versa……..

Outlander (2008)

Moorwenfire outlander_xlg

Just finished watching Outlander (2008) with Jim Caviezel.  Turns out I had already seen it but quite liked it so watched it again.  I’m super terrible at reviewing movies, so apologies in advance, I’m trying to practice 🙂

What it’s about (from IMDB):

During the reign of the Vikings, Kainan (Jim Caviezel), a man from a far-off world, crash lands on Earth, bringing with him an alien predator known as the Moorwen. Though both man and monster are seeking revenge for violence committed against them, Kainan leads the alliance to kill the Moorwen by fusing his advanced technology with the Viking’s Iron Age weaponry.

What I enjoyed about it:

Well first up, I love Jim Caviezel, my favourite of his is Person of Interest but I do love some of his movies too.

Conjointly to the above, Jack Huston was good as well (there are few men that can do the long hair and have me still think they are hot lol), but the movie was enjoyable to watch.  It had a slightly different spin to other movies that involve a monster needing to be killed.  It didn’t seem to overly exaggerate things (you know for a science fiction movie lol).  (More fighting and a love story in there too lol.)

Rating 6.5/10

Pompeii (2014)


Apparently, according to my hubby, I have seen this before, but I don’t remember hehe, so I’ve just watched it again.

LOVED IT!……………………………………(except the end)

Jon Snow (Kit Harington) is so much hotter in this lol.  Although reading that you might think I only watch movies for hot people lol, I don’t but it’s just worth noting the hot people in the movie/s  🙂

I love a good fight movie (although oddly not really into UFC and hate WWE).  Add along with the fight movie, a love story and who wouldn’t like it right!

When I first saw the girl who was to be the girl, I was like Whaaa she not good, but as the movie progressed she grew on me, and by the end I liked her.

I didn’t think Kiefer was suited to the role though, yes he plays annoying good, but I just think someone……else should have played the role.

The end, WTF, not happy Jan, where’s my happy ending grrr….just kidding, it was sort of cool.

Rating 8/10  if you haven’t watched it and you like these kinds of movies, I would say give it a go 🙂

My family declutters with me

My family and I are on a new mission.  Actually I think this is officially our first actual mission.  Which is exciting (both the mission and being the first).


Our new mission, I actually read about on another blog about having less stuff (when I find the link I will come back and link it for you in case you would like to read it).  But the basics of it, and what my family and I are doing, is that each day for 30 days we each have to pick one thing of our own items to get rid of.


Today is day 2, and even the hubby has been keeping up with it and not complaining which is fantastic!!  I’m hoping some days we can get rid of more than just one item, but if it is only one item that is ok too, great even.


I’m looking forward to purging 🙂

The simple things


Yesterday after school we took some bread (I put the crust in the freezer so it’s not wasted so we can use it for something) and fed the ducks.  There was also a pelican there, it wasn’t a huge fan of the bread (and in fact when thrown the home made bread spat it out LOL) but he was a good sport and kept catching it. The picture doesn’t show many ducks but there were more before I took it.  The boys had a great time and a good laugh at the pelican. A couple of magpies and other birds behind us had some bread too.
Sometimes we forget, it can be the simple things in life like taking a walk and feeding the ducks that can bring happiness.


My 6 year old son Jake just came running into the room I am in and said

Jake “Did you hear that Mum?”

Me “No, what?”

Jake “The tv said about snoring, if you snore….what was it called.. well if you have this thing that’s blue (and points to his nostrils) and you sleep and then you can stop snoring”

Me “Who?”

Jake “The TV”

Me “Who are you telling me this for”

Jake “You…….. and Dad and me”

LOL  the things 6 years olds come out with.

Pathetic and Selfish

OK, I am about to have a pathetic, selfish stupid rant.  If you don’t like it, don’t read it and especially don’t bother commenting because the mood I’m in won’t have me replying nicely.


I’m so f***in annoyed (which makes me stressed too might I add).  My boys today at school had this thing where you can donate $1 (I don’t know what for) and you can wear rainbow clothing.  Now once we get to school and I see all these kids wearing different clothes (not uniform) I say is it a no uniform day and Mr 9 says “yeah, you pay a dollar and you can wear…”  (I’m not sure he finished the sentence out loud).  I said, “I didn’t know” (which at that point I didn’t), “Why didn’t you tell me?”  Mr 9 says “I didn’t remember”  And there’s no chance that Mr 6 would remember, he doesn’t remember what he did in the morning when it’s lunch time.  At this point I start to think to myself, I vaguely remember either this being mentioned, or perhaps I read it at the p&f meeting in the Junior Principal’s report.  This week has been just a write off.  I’m so tired it’s not even comprehendable.  I went to do a sleep study to try and find out the problem for the not sleeping situation, which of course only made me tireder this week because who can sleep well with those things attached to you.

So what I am ranting about is I am so annoyed at being tired and exhausted.  I’m forgetting things, my housework isn’t getting done (I mean my house looks like a bomb hit it….no really it does), most nights I struggle to cook tea.  This tiredness has been going on for years. but has gotten worse the past year.  Just yesterday I was thinking about the fact I have to write everything down, or use my voice recorder and then write it down because I keep forgetting things.  I can’t function properly.  Yesterday I was so tired I wandered around the shopping centre and just wanted to buy things because I shop when I am stressed, I did buy things, it made me feel a bit better lol, I wanted to buy more but refrained.  I try to just encourage myself to just keep going, ignore the tiredness, play at the park, wash the dishes, wash the clothes, do homework with the boys etc etc but it’s such a struggle.

Things I am doing to combat the tiredness:

I’m trying to lose some weight because sometimes that can be a factor in a lot of things including snoring which cause bad sleep……you have to do some exercise for that to work well…there is not energy for that, only willpower and being tired makes that difficult to find.

I’ve already cut out coke from my diet.

I’m going to try not to play the computer or on my phone before going to bed, because apparently this can stop you from releasing melatonin which helps you sleep, 2nd night was last night, 2 nights in a row I read a book before bed (although the book is stressing me out it’s called Punished by Vanessa Steel and I can’t believe people were and still can be so cruel to children).

Then of course I’m seeing a sleep specialist, I’ve done the sleep study, so I go back in 2 weeks to see if there is anything I can do to change it (my sleep pattern).

Also am going to spring clean our room to make it less cluttered and more sleep friendly (hey I’m willing to try anything at this point!)

The reason I called this post pathetic and selfish is not because I don’t think it’s a problem but because it is selfish to sit in my home out of the cold with food and electricity and gas and water and a shower and clothes and a bed and healthy kids and a husband who has a job and whine because I’m tired.  I feel like an idiot.  But I’m annoyed so I thought if I write it down, that might help get rid of the annoyed and get up and get going…..and help me get back to feeling grateful, which is what I am normally.


That’s about it.


(PS this was written about a week ago but wordpress decided to play up, so I’m just publishing it now)